Viewing blog posts for the category Murchie's at Home

Fall is fast approaching... It's dark in the morning now and the first signs of frost are making the grass on the lawn crunchy as you step outside - maybe taking the children to school or heading out for a morning walk to the grocery store. With a mug of breakfast tea in hand you will be prepared to face the extra chill in the air, the excited chatter and endless questions of little ones - plus, it does seem to be more difficult to get out of bed in the morning when the weather changes, let alone trying to get other household members out of bed for school.

Yes, we have matcha! This beloved Japanese tea could be part of your well-stocked tea cupboard. Learn how to make a perfect cup of matcha at home using Murchie's Ceremonial or Premium Matcha.

 Canada Day long weekend is on its way! When the weekend rolls around it's time to head out onto the patio, make yourself a nice cocktail and unwind. Or maybe you're having friends over for a BBQ? Be prepared with all the refreshments for long hours of lounging in the backyard. 

 Just in time for Father's Day! We get a few pointers on brewing the perfect cold brew from our in-house coffee expert.

What you need to cold brew coffee Smooth and refreshing, cold brew coffee is a popular beverage for the summer and it's easy to make at home!

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