Viewing blog posts tagged tea cocktail

How to make Earl Grey Gin & TonicEach year, it's always enjoyable to get together with colleagues to share some holiday cheer. This is the time of year where we celebrate the year's accomplishments and join in a cheers to getting through the busy season. We would love to share with you this festive Earl Grey Gin & Tonic  tea cocktail recipe and wish you all a Happy New Year! Cheers!

 Canada Day long weekend is on its way! When the weekend rolls around it's time to head out onto the patio, make yourself a nice cocktail and unwind. Or maybe you're having friends over for a BBQ? Be prepared with all the refreshments for long hours of lounging in the backyard. 

Iced TeaThe iced tea you find in stores is often full of sugar and preservatives (and low quality tea). Making your own is simple, healthy and cost effective. Plus there’s tons of room to explore and try new combinations with fruit juice, alternative sweeteners and even alcohol. Learn more about basic brewing methods (Cold Infusion or Hot Brew & Chill), and then take your home-made iced teas to the next level!

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