Four juicy tea hacks for the cold winter weather

Michelle Nguyen - Jan. 13, 2022

Author: Layla Osberg

A new routine for winter days with 4 super simple pick-me-up tea recipes that will keep you feeling sunny. “Juice tea” is one of our favourite things to make while at home and feeling in need of a little TLC. They’re filled with bright and cheerful flavours perfect for this time of year. Juice tea can be enjoyed all day long without worrying about consuming too many calories or becoming jittery from caffeine. It’s also super hydrating and counts towards your 8 cups per day! Yay! 


Our go-to selection of Wellness teas can also be found here


Juice Tea Recipes 

Sip on these for a hydrating pick-me-up any time of day.


Lemon Ginger Juice Tea


1/2 mug of hot water

1 tablespoon of Lemon Ginger Herbal

1/2 cup of orange juice (apple or cranberry juice would be good too)

1 tablespoon of honey

pinch of cinnamon



Steep Lemon Ginger tea in freshly boiled hot water in a mug filled to half full. Heat orange juice until nice and hot, but not boiling, in a pot on the stove or heat in the microwave. Add the hot orange juice to your tea and stir in the honey. Enjoy!


Ginseng Oolong Apple Juice Tea


1/2 mug of hot water

1 tablespoon of Ginseng Oolong

1/2 cup of apple juice 

1 tablespoon of honey



Steep Ginseng Oolong in freshly boiled hot water in a mug filled to half full. Heat apple juice until nice and hot, but not boiling, in a pot on the stove or heat in the microwave. Add the hot apple juice to your tea and stir in the honey. Enjoy!

*Ginseng Oolong can be steeped multiple times throughout the day (but not more than one day). Just keep adding freshly boiled water to the used tea leaves.


Lemon Drop Cranberry Juice Tea


1/2 mug of hot water

1 tablespoon of Lemon Drop Herbal

1/2 cup of cranberry juice

1 tablespoon of honey



Steep Lemon Drop herbal tea in freshly boiled hot water in a mug filled to half full. Heat cranberry juice until nice and hot, but not boiling, in a pot on the stove or heat in the microwave. Add the hot juice to your tea and stir in the honey. Enjoy!


Chamomile Zinger Juice Tea


1 tablespoon of Chamomile herbal tea

1/2 mug of hot water

1/2 cup of orange juice

pinch of cayenne

pinch of cinnamon

pinch of dried ground ginger

1 tablespoon of honey



Steep Chamomile herbal tea in freshly boiled hot water in a mug filled to half full. Heat orange juice until nice and hot, but not boiling, with cayenne, cinnamon and ginger in a pot on the stove or heat in the microwave. Add the hot orange juice to your tea and stir in the honey. Enjoy!


*omit the honey if you’d like your juice tea to be less sweet.

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