Viewing blog posts for the category Murchie's at Home

Short & sweet, this simple addition to almost any tea can bring some delicious variety into your day!
Every now and again I get a request from my coworkers at Murchie’s head office to mix up some “bubble tea” - an absolute pleasure as we have access to so many different tea types. The key, I’ve discovered, is to replace the traditional large tapioca pearls with chia seeds. Simply adding a bit of hot water to chia seeds yields a delightful (and healthy) alternative with a fun mouthfeel in seconds...

Earl Grey Chocolate Mug CakesHappy New Year! Here’s to optimising flavour while keeping things simple in the kitchen with this Earl Grey chocolate mug cake recipe!

Murchie's Christmas Cocktails RecipeThe holidays are finally here, and what could make things merrier than two unique cocktail recipes up your sleeve? Both for whipping up at the end of a busy day and for serving while hosting.

Welcome to autumn at Murchie’s, a feast for the senses of piping hot beverages, nostalgic making spicy aromas from the kitchen and a little Halloween fun.

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