Fresh Picks for Spring

J A - May 15, 2024

Author: Layla Osberg

Heading from a warm spring to a hot summer, this weather has us looking to refresh our tea cupboard for the coming months. For some teas to brew as the sun rises and sets, let’s highlight some favourites from each tea category that we think are a must for a well-stocked selection: black, green-black, green, oolong/puerh and herbal/rooibos.

1. Earl Grey Cream: A VERSATILE black tea with a hint of bergamot and vanilla.

This is a go-to black tea that can be enjoyed first thing in the morning, as an afternoon pick-me-up or served in your best pot for guests.

2. No. 22 Blend: An ELEVATED afternoon sipper to be consumed neat, without milk. 

A highly aromatic green-black blend that is perfect for when guests are over. Jasmine, with a touch of bergamot to brighten, and Ceylon to strengthen the brew makes for a fine after dinner tea.

3. Genmaicha: The cozy and COMFORTING classic green tea, that’s healthy and delicious.

When it comes to getting in your 8 cups a day for optimal hydration, tea can be a wonderful option to keep your taste buds interested. Genmaicha green tea has a toasty, roasty familiar flavour that pairs well with breakfast, lunch, dinner and anytime in between.

4. Sticky Rice Puerh: For spring and summer you need a real WORKHORSE tea that will keep you energized all day long.

Everyone needs a puerh in their tea cupboard. It can be consumed throughout the day for its health benefits and its intriguing flavour. This one has the addition of a herb that gives it the distinct flavour and aroma of nutty basmati rice. Because it is to be enjoyed by continuously topping up the teapot over the same portion of tea, it is quite cost effective too! Read our blog for more info.

Peach Rooibos: The weather’s warming up and the sipping’s got to be EASY.

A rooibos lends itself just as well served up in a big pitcher for iced tea as it does in a giant favourite mug while lounging on the couch. The fact that it’s caffeine-free and tastes like fuzzy peach candy is a bonus!

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