Murchie's Baker Street Blend Tea: smoke and gunpowder, lingering scents of exotic jasmine and bergamot. Sherlock himself would enjoy this mystery.

Originally blended: 1910's

Baker Street Blend - 10 Tea Bag Box
Baker Street Blend - 50 Tea Bag Box
Baker Street Blend - Loose 2oz/56g
Baker Street Blend - Loose 4oz/113g
Baker Street Blend - Loose 8oz/227g
Baker Street Blend - Loose 16oz/454g


Baker Street Blend features the smooth Keemun, rich Ceylon, Gunpowder and floral Jasmine that are found in No. 10 Blend, plus the addition of Lapsang Souchong.

Tea Bag Ingredients: black tea (Keemun, Ceylon, Lapsang Souchong), green tea (Jasmine, Gunpowder), natural and artificial flavouring
Caffeine Caffeinated
Cup Strength Medium-Strong
Origin Blend
Tea Format Loose Tea, Tea Bags
Type Green/Black Blend

Very Unique  Review by  Shawn

The smell was “unique” when I was steeping it and it was a tad weird on initial taste. Black teas tend towards bitter, deep, and tannic and this definitely has that, but the most prominent note is savory, which is a little weird for a tea. Kind of like a dirty martini. Wasn’t a huge fan at first, but after a few minutes I really started to like it. The description of it having “gunpowder” and “smoke” flavors is very accurate. It’s a savory tea, but it really works, for me anyway. Will definitely drink it when I want to switch things up.

Posted on 2024-01-14

Complex and lovely  Review by  ['Neilish']

This has become my very favorite tea, in a lifetime of tea drinking. As others have observed, it's only slightly smoky, slightly floral, and slightly sweet. My only hesitation is that it contains "artificial flavors."

Posted on 2021-10-08

Yummy!  Review by  Gongoozler

This is such a fun tea while also being reliable and comforting. It's got a little pinch of smoke and the blend of green and black teas is very well balanced. Not acidic.

Posted on 2021-01-09

ballsy tea  Review by  ['jenerator']

That is about it. It's a very ballsy tea. Smoky, earthy, not for the faint of heart. I'm taking it to a halloween bonfire tonight to sip on and watch the beer drinkers get sloppy.

Posted on 2020-10-31

Surprisingly good.  Review by  ['Rachel']

Last year we bought 2 loose teas to try and share during the fall season. My husband picked this one and I have to be honest I rolled my eyes (on the inside). I didn’t think it sounded delicious or interesting but he was convinced it would be great. Of all the teas we picked this was the top one. We finished the bag in record time and enjoyed it so much it was first on both of lists for this year and the first we opened when we got home. Thank you for creating something delicious for our fall mornings!

Posted on 2020-10-06

So very, very good.  Review by  Lisa

I am a big fan of Lapsang souchong tea but wanted something different to have a work. Truly this is one of the best teas I have ever had. The description accurately describes the taste. This tea brings joy to my work.

Posted on 2019-04-18

Robust, complex, and delightful  Review by  Gladstone

I bought a quarter pound of this and several others as an exercise in branching out from my usual Number 10. The first taste was a revelation. It's smoky, but not overwhelmingly so. There are many intense flavours here and the mixture is a joy. "Baker Street" is a keeper.

Posted on 2019-04-06

Smoke and jasmine  Review by  Michelle Butler Hallett

1.25 tsp for 250mL water at 85C, steeped 4 minutes 15 seconds. Wow. I didn’t expect such a creamy jasmine hit. Dry leaf: brown and tan leaves. Aroma: faint smoke, faint florals. Wet leaf: brown and amber, aroma of leather. Liquor: tranluscent copper. Assertive jasmine aroma and taste, with a creaminess, and a smoky finish that could become bitter. I wonder what hotter water might do. I was torn about which temp to use: anything higher than 85 will likley scald the green, yet 85 is usually not hot enough to bring out everything in a black leaf. Meantime, I love this at 85. Complex and surprising. Full marks.

Posted on 2019-01-17

Hot toddy foundation  Review by  DRS

Susan was on to something here. The smokiness of this tea makes it perfect for adding a wee nip of scotch. Add some honey and I’m glad I brougt this tea back to Alberta in time for winter.

Posted on 2018-02-04

"some shockin' good"  Review by  Bob

Of all the murchies' teas I have tried, this is the best! Great flavour, but not over the top with the smoke. It really does top off a winter night with a good book and a fire!

Posted on 2017-04-21

Best tea I've had  Review by  Luke

This is the tea I've been looking for to replace coffee. Satisfying on levels that only tobacco and espresso have hit for me so far. I'd even go so far as to call it a 'manly tea', were it not a potentially exclusive term. This tea could be enjoyed by all.

Posted on 2016-08-31

An interesting and very enjoyable tea  Review by  Victoria

A nice change, I will definitely buy again.

Posted on 2016-06-28

Elementary  Review by  Watson

Bought a 10 pack of this tea when I was in Canada back in July visiting family and as a Sherlock aficionado have savoured a couple of cups of this while watching my favourite detective. It is so Sherlock, that leather smell and taste with the tobacco is just perfect for drinking while watching or reading the worlds most illustrious private detective. It reminds me of a great well aged Whisky which would probably go with this tea perfectly. Hoping to get family or Murchies to send it direct to me in Australia.

Posted on 2016-01-12

A flavourful surprise. A nice sipping tea when reading a good book.  Review by  Joan

I was surprised by the smoky flavour but grew to like it. It's a tea to sip and lose yourself in a good book. I would definitely purchase this gem again. Perfect for Fall/Winter.

Posted on 2015-11-23

Against the stormy gusts of winter's day  Review by  envie_de_france

This tea is not for the faint of heart. It's robust, flavorful but not overpowering. It's perfect for sipping in front of a fire on a wet, cold, winter afternoon.

Posted on 2014-12-06

As the seasons change so do my tea choices  Review by  Susan - Murchie's Team Member

Fall and winter find me drinking teas that have a touch of smokiness to them. I always think that they go well with roaring fires and a glass of good scotch. No 11 is a lighter tea, with just a hint of smokiness from the Lapsang. This is a good one to try if you are a bit timid about the flavour and aroma of Lapsang but want to try something a bit different.

Posted on 2012-09-27

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Standardized cupping technique and vessel for tasting tea General guidelines on steeping different kinds of tea

Steeping the Best (Guide)

Different types of teas should be steeped according to certain times and water temperatures to bring out their best flavours. Use this guide as a starting point, and then experiment until you find the perfect brewing method for your favourite tea.

Based on approximately one level teaspoon (2.5 g) of loose tea or one tea bag per 6-8 ounce (180-240 mL) cup. For stronger flavour, add more tea. Brewing for longer may increase the strength of the tea, but will likely also cause bitterness.

Tea Bags vs. Loose Tea

While our tea bags and loose tea are crafted to match the same flavour profile, there are discernable effects between the two formats. Namely, the leaves inside tea bags is milled, making it much finer and a quicker brew, while loose tea can take a couple minutes longer to steep. Tea bags are very convenient, but loose tea can be more visually appealing and brewed with a reusable infuser.

  1. Tea bags: steep for 3 - 4 minutes
  2. Loose tea: steep for 4 - 5 minutes

General Steeping Temperatures

The table included here shows some general guidelines for steeping different kinds of tea. Be mindful that some teas, even two from the same category, will brew differently than others. In particular, our green-black blends will often have different ratios of green and black teas - the more green-leaning ones should be brewed at a lower temperature range. Experimentation is highly encouraged, as tea is very much a matter of personal taste.

Puerh and oolong teas are often steeped multiple times for a shorter period of time in smaller brewing vessels. This method creates a curious exploration of the tea as it unfurls, developing new flavours with each subsequent brew - often making for great social conversation.

If you're unsure, try steeping in the middle range for your tea type. If the result is too bitter, steep at a lower temperature or for a shorter time. If the result is flat, try a higher temperature.

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