Murchie's Paris Afternoon Tea is a beguiling blend of black and green teas with hints of caramel and brioche, with a malty finish.

Originally blended: 2015

Paris Afternoon - 10 Tea Bag Box
Paris Afternoon - 50 Tea Bag Box
Paris Afternoon - Loose 2oz/56g
Paris Afternoon - Loose 4oz/113g
Paris Afternoon - Loose 8oz/227g
Paris Afternoon - Loose 16oz/454g


Traditional Ceylon, Keemun, Assam and Yunnan black teas form a well-rounded base, while Himalayan and Gunpowder teas add a light sparkle to the flavour and aroma. This is a great tea for people who want explore green-black blends without Jasmine.

Designed to evoke and an afternoon up of tea at a sunny outdoor cafe next to the Seine river in Paris: the city of light. Perfect for daydreaming and people-watching!

Ingredients: Black tea (Assam, Ceylon, Keemun, Yunnan, Darjeeling), green tea (gunpowder), natural and artificial flavouring
Loose Tea Ingredients: Black tea (Assam, Ceylon, Keemun, Yunnan, Nepal), green tea (gunpowder), natural and artificial flavouring
Caffeine Caffeinated
Cup Strength Medium-Strong
Origin Blend
Tea Format Loose Tea, Tea Bags
Type Green/Black Blend

Tread carefully!  Review by  Boyd

I bought this thinking it a variation on one of the other ‘afternoon’ blends I enjoy. Not so! This one has both natural and artificial flavours added. As other reviews indicate, you may love it or hate it. Tread carefully.

Posted on 2022-11-18

I will pass of this tea  Review by  Victoria

I found for my taste the “hints of caramel & brioche with malty finish.” did not blend well with the teas.

Posted on 2022-07-04

Perrrfecttt!!!!  Review by  Jo

This is my new favorite tea, for almost a year now, and I still enjoy every sip, drinking several cups a day in cool weather (with honey and milk). Even my husband really likes it (no milk) and we've found very few teas that rise to the top of both of our #1 hit charts like this one. However, I have to admit that I do have a sweet tooth and especially like caramel anything, though I find Paris Afternoon to have just the perfect subtle sweetness and flavor. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then please give it a try!

Posted on 2021-12-06

A delightful surprise  Review by  ['Tiffany']

I'm not usually a fan of sweet teas, but I tried a small box because who wouldn't want to be in Paris in the afternoon. I made my first cup and settled into a bubble bath, and oh my god! Before I could even sip it, the aroma made my eyes roll back in my head. This tea is my new happy place. And it has rendered dessert an unnecessary indulgence. Buy some!

Posted on 2021-04-10

Excellent  Review by  ['Yum']

One of the best teas ever!

Posted on 2021-02-22

Not my favourite  Review by  Meaghan

It's an okay tea. I got a box from a friend and had most of it, but personally, it's not the right kind of sweet for my tastes. I'd say it leans a little more butterscotch than caramel, but I'm not sure how genuine my ideas of those two flavours are as they're probably based on candy. To compare, I usually put a cube of raw sugar in my tea, but not in this one. I've a sweet tooth, but I find this tea *mostly* sweet enough on it's own.

Posted on 2020-09-30

My New Favourite  Review by  Deepa

So glad I discovered this one, the hints of caramel and brioche are amazing. It pairs perfectly with a rainy afternoon!

Posted on 2020-08-18

The Most Delicious Tea  Review by  AndreaC

This has become one of my favourite teas! The flavours are so perfect, this will always be in my cupboard!

Posted on 2020-04-16

Not for me  Review by  Meredith

Purchased several teas, Paris Afternoon being small tin in a set w a regular size British blend (can't recall which now). Sadly, my mother and I hate this one. True to its decription and reviews, I detect vanilla (hate all vanilla) and, as someone else mentioned, maple. I HATE all maple. Just the scent of maple and/or vanilla in anything makes me gag. There's free Paris Afternoon in KY if anyone wants it lol!

Posted on 2019-12-03

A flavored tea for flavored tea haters  Review by  Jeri

I normally avoid flavored teas, but I got this in the Afternoon Selection box. It's really good! The "hint of caramel" is very present but doesn't overwhelm or taste "artificial". With milk or cream it's a cozy winter sipper for any time of day.

Posted on 2019-12-02

THE BEST  Review by  Joan

Used to be a coffee drinker. I was visiting Victoria last March and stopped in for a cup of tea. This is what I tried. I have not had coffee since. Should you ever decide to stop making this, I will need advanced notice so I can stock up. I will also need an intervention. I have never had such a calming cup of tea before. Merci ;-)

Posted on 2019-10-27

My very favourite  Review by  Debora

I found this a few years ago on a trip to Victoria and it is my favorite. The scent alone is soothing, and by the time it's brewed, I'm almost completely relaxed from work. I've been trying to cut out extra sugar in my diet so I have a cup with some 1% milk when I'm craving something sweet. I live in the states, so my husband stocks me up whenever we are in Canada.

Posted on 2019-10-11

On My Sweet Tooth, my new favorite.  Review by  cmp1226

This is the new tea blend I have added to my collection. I purchased this tea by suggestion from the lovely lady that works at Murchie's. This is my birthday present to me back in December, Boxing Day is my favorite day to shop and my bday. I love this tea, one of my favorite flavor is Carmel and this tea has the perfect hint of it and is very sweet. Perfect for that sweet craving in the afternoon. I switch between my teas regular. My new favorite.

Posted on 2018-04-09

The perfect dessert tea or treat tea.  Review by  Carol

Lovely. It is tea and a sweet pastry without the calories of a pastry (although I confess to using cream instead of milk.)

Posted on 2018-02-18

Top Notch Just Right  Review by  Kos

My favorite tea and it has special spot in my tea pot! Loose or by tea bag a fantastic flavour! I never run out of this one always on hand. I tried it on a whim and so glad I did. Well Done Murchie's

Posted on 2017-02-28

Paris Addiction   Review by  Erin

I have always had a thing for Paris, I thought 'Why not?'. I tried and cannot get enough of it!!! So delicious!!!!!

Posted on 2016-10-13

Perfect for afternoon tea  Review by  Robberfly

We have been drinking this daily for over a year . We have it in the afternoon with a sweet treat or buttery toast and jam on a rainy afternoon. One of us drinks it black and the other with lots of 1% milk. A very satisfying tea for daily use. Our morning favourite is Irish Breakfast and our new discovery today is Waterfront for afternoon tea break. If you like Paris Afternoon there is a good chance that you will also like Waterfront.

Posted on 2016-09-07

Delicious!!!!!  Review by  Heidi

I tried this delicious tea while in BC and I can't get enough of it! I'm ordering more today for myself, my daughter and a friend.

Posted on 2016-08-08

Great Iced  Review by  Beki

Tried a sample in Victoria, and immediately was in love with it. Bought it, brewed it and it's as good or better than I remembered from the sample.

Posted on 2016-06-18

Love it!  Review by  Colleen

This is now officially one of my favourite teas! I bought it to try because of the name, and I fell in love with it with my first cup. My favourite flavours up until now have been bergamot (Earl Grey) and lavender, but now this will be one of my regular teas too. It has a beautiful slightly sweet and slightly smoky flavour. Delicious!

Posted on 2016-05-07

Teabags of Paris Afternoon travel to work.  Review by  Kos

This tea is a number one pick! It travels to work with me each day. It is a bright spot in my day and my travel mug! Yummy!

Posted on 2016-05-01

Fine cup of Yummy  Review by  Kos

I love this tea so much. I adore the smell and taste of this fine brew. It really is a wonderful treat. I gave my boss this tea for Christmas! I would not share it with just anyone it is that good!

Posted on 2016-05-01

Amazing!  Review by  Erin

I bought this tea during a day trip I took to Vancouver a while back, and it has consistently been my favorite tea. I buy tea a lot and try to see what different flavors I prefer, and this tea has an almost malty flavor to it that makes it feel like I'm covered up with a warm blanket. Literally drinking it as I write this. I recommend this to everyone!

Posted on 2016-02-02

Saves me honey!  Review by  Heather

I normally don't drink flavoured teas, but I tried this one because I liked the name and I needed to buy it to get free shipping! What a pleasant surprise - I have been trying to cut down on the amount of honey I put in my tea (have a little tea with my honey) and this one lets me do it. Just the smallest of teaspoons and it is plenty sweet enough - hopefully without the calories, but who knows how they made it! I re-read the description after enjoying a few cups and was quite impressed with the number of teas in the blend, including green tea! I checked my spent leaves, and yes indeed - there are green leaves in there! A truly sophisticated and clear, cool drink, but I now question the "Paris" moniker. Honestly, that tastes like maple to me, so I think it is 100% squarely Canadian - how about we say a Canadian in Paris?

Posted on 2015-06-14

great for a chill day  Review by  Emilie - Murchie's team member :)

This tea is really nice with milk (also makes a delicious latte!) It is the perfect tea for just lounging in the afternoon, maybe doing some people watching :) love it!

Posted on 2015-04-20

oo-la-la  Review by  terry

I tried this tea on a whim, as I usually shy away from teas with dessert like flavors, but like the name, and the thought of a flavored green and black blend. I brewed at 212 for 3 minutes, and tasted- without additions it was very mellow, sooth, with a hint of caramel, but not sweet, say like a medium brewed black. I then added a little raw sugar and milk and wow! The sugar brought out the caramel without being cloying, and the flavor does conjure up sitting in a cafe in Paris. And of course the aroma is like catching a whiff of the pastries next door. It will become my after dinner tea go to. Recommended if you like a subtle dessert flavor and aroma.

Posted on 2015-03-17

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Standardized cupping technique and vessel for tasting tea General guidelines on steeping different kinds of tea

Steeping the Best (Guide)

Different types of teas should be steeped according to certain times and water temperatures to bring out their best flavours. Use this guide as a starting point, and then experiment until you find the perfect brewing method for your favourite tea.

Based on approximately one level teaspoon (2.5 g) of loose tea or one tea bag per 6-8 ounce (180-240 mL) cup. For stronger flavour, add more tea. Brewing for longer may increase the strength of the tea, but will likely also cause bitterness.

Tea Bags vs. Loose Tea

While our tea bags and loose tea are crafted to match the same flavour profile, there are discernable effects between the two formats. Namely, the leaves inside tea bags is milled, making it much finer and a quicker brew, while loose tea can take a couple minutes longer to steep. Tea bags are very convenient, but loose tea can be more visually appealing and brewed with a reusable infuser.

  1. Tea bags: steep for 3 - 4 minutes
  2. Loose tea: steep for 4 - 5 minutes

General Steeping Temperatures

The table included here shows some general guidelines for steeping different kinds of tea. Be mindful that some teas, even two from the same category, will brew differently than others. In particular, our green-black blends will often have different ratios of green and black teas - the more green-leaning ones should be brewed at a lower temperature range. Experimentation is highly encouraged, as tea is very much a matter of personal taste.

Puerh and oolong teas are often steeped multiple times for a shorter period of time in smaller brewing vessels. This method creates a curious exploration of the tea as it unfurls, developing new flavours with each subsequent brew - often making for great social conversation.

If you're unsure, try steeping in the middle range for your tea type. If the result is too bitter, steep at a lower temperature or for a shorter time. If the result is flat, try a higher temperature.

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