STRONG Cup Strength

Murchie's Earl Grey Cream Tea has the full bergamot flavour of a traditional Earl Grey, plus the creamy, soothing vanilla that makes this a heady blend.

Originally blended: 2010

Earl Grey Cream - 10 Tea Bag Box
Earl Grey Cream - 50 Tea Bag Box
Earl Grey Cream - 100 Tea Bag Box
Earl Grey Cream - Loose 2oz/56g
Earl Grey Cream - Loose 4oz/113g
Earl Grey Cream - Loose 8oz/227g
Earl Grey Cream - Loose 16oz/454g


Every tea blender has their Earl Grey Cream, and this is uniquely ours. Sweet and creamy, a pop of citrusy bergamot with thick flavours of condensed milk, butterscotch, and French vanilla.

Rich, decadent and distinct. A hug in a cup. Makes a delicious latte.

Tasting Notes: An initial note of bergamot and butterscotch, mellowing into sweet custard, condensed milk, and a lingering aftertaste of vanilla.

Tea Bag Ingredients: Black tea (Ceylon, Keemun, Darjeeling), natural and artificial flavouring, bergamot oil
Loose Tea Ingredients: Black tea (Ceylon, Keemun, Darjeeling, Nepal), blue cornflower petals, natural and artificial flavouring, bergamot oil
Caffeine Caffeinated
Cup Strength Strong
Origin Blend
Tea Format Loose Tea, Tea Bags
Type Black

Excellent tea  Review by  ['Trish']

This is one of the best Earl Grey Blends I have tasted. The aroma is just as delicious. I would buy this forever. Haven't tried any other Murchie's Earl Grey, but don't think I need to. This is a great tea.

Posted on 2023-01-11

Fantastically smooth celebration for the tastebuds  Review by  ['Randi']

I’ve always loved Earl Grey tea - Murchies only. Then I met EARL gray cream and we’ve been in love ever since. It’s a celebration in your mouth. Don’t miss it!

Posted on 2022-10-16

Likely the best  Review by  ['Paul']

I used to love a different brand of Cream of Earl Grey tea, and this Murchie's blend tasted like no other Earl Grey cream tea I've ever had. Wasn't sure at first, but it has grown to be my favorite of all of them.

Posted on 2022-07-08

Not what we expected?  Review by  ['BrendaLee']

We are HUGE tea lovers. One of our fave is Earl Grey. We like a strong Bergamot essence, no matter the brand. I'm a huge fan of Murchies having lived in Victoria now for 40 years. With Omicron going on, I kind of steered clear of downtown while shopping 2 weeks ago. I had to stop in Hillside tho so popped in to that store to grab some of my Murchies fave, black tea with Apricot. I decided on a few small bags for stocking, one for hubby being Earl Grey Cream. Well, we don't hate it, but there's no Bergamot essence in it, all 3 of us agree. The Blue Cornflower is there, but there's no creamy vanilla taste either, just a strong, fake caramel smell and flavour. In black tea. Disappointing....

Posted on 2022-01-01

The best ‘Cream of Earl Grey’ on the Market  Review by  ['Grey lover']

I’ve tried many different earl grey creams. This one is the best! So smooth and tasty.

Posted on 2021-09-21

Earl Grey Cream my Go-To Tea!  Review by  ['Susan']

From the US East Coast, went to visit a friend in Pacific Northwest and together traveled to Victoria. Discovered this mellow, creamy/vanilla-y Earl Grey and fell in love with it. I start every morning with it. Awesome! Nothing like it in the lower 48.

Posted on 2021-03-27

Favourite Earl Grey  Review by  ['HistoricalPigeon']

After having tried various Early Grey Cream blends from various tea shops, both as a loose tea and as a drink, I've come to the decision that Murchies' is the best. It does have strong notes of vanilla, so if that's not your thing this tea might not be for you. I take my tea black, and this is the perfect blend for that. I never feel like I need to add sugar or cream. I've yet to try it in a homemade London Fog, but I'm certain it will be delicious.

Posted on 2021-03-25

Smooth and creamy!  Review by  Lisa Novakovics

I have tried many Earl Grey Creme teas. Loose and bagged. This is by far those most delicious tea ever! Smooth and creamy. I add only milk. It's perfect! Thanks for the quality care and fast shipping! ❤️

Posted on 2021-02-06

My Favourite Tea!  Review by  AndreaC

You can't go wrong with a good cup of Earl Grey, my daily favourite!

Posted on 2020-04-16

Delightful  Review by  Cynthia

My favourite Earl Grey by far, and I have travelled near and far for great tea. Top notch latte with foamed soy milk - makes it taste like a hint of butterscotch.

Posted on 2020-02-21

Smooth and aromatic  Review by  Christy

Smooth and delicious Earl Grey, with a creamy note of lavender. And the smell, is absolutely amazing.

Posted on 2019-11-09

Absolutely to die for  Review by  Archania

Years ago, before Starbucks and the big chains took over, I went to a tiny specialty coffee shop in Banff that made London Fogs, and I became absolutely addicted to them. When Starbucks started serving their own vanilla Earl Grey tea lattes, I found them very disappointing. They tasted absolutely fake, nothing but sugar and artificial flavours. When I saw recently that Murchie's was selling an Earl Grey blend with vanilla, I jumped on it, and couldn't be happier. This is the flavour I remember so fondly from my time out west - smooth, creamy, not overpowering and yet decadent at the same time. I'll never have to hunt for a London Fog at a coffee chain again, thanks to this magnificent tea.

Posted on 2018-12-14

My Favourite  Review by  Carmen

I'm from Ontario and Earl Grey has been always been my favourite tea. My boyfriend who is from Victoria got me this as a gift and it has since become my favourite tea of all time. Murchie's tea has exceptional quality and it's all for a very affordable price. This tea and Murchie's are both amazing and they will never disappoint!

Posted on 2018-07-20

Amazing  Review by  Lauren

Hands-down the absolute best Earl Grey Cream tea I have ever drank. Such a smooth cup to drink. I have tried finding a substitute here in Edmonton and nothing comes close - Murchies blend is the only way to go! I can't wait to get my hands on more of this gorgeous tea!

Posted on 2018-04-17

Fantastic!!  Review by  Lady S

I am a huge tea fan. Having an english background, Tea figured prominently in my morning routine. Raised on "Orange Pekoe", discovered all the other teas on by accident when visiting Victoria. Did not know there was such a variety. Fell in love with the Earl Grey Creme after sampling at Murchies. Such a lovely smooth silky flavour. The flavour comes through beautifully if you like weaker tea, and a lovely smooth bold taste if you like it stronger. It is often my morning tea although I have many favourites. Nothing like a nice hot cup of earl grey creme tea on a cold snowy winters morning. Now I order on a regular basis, and will drop into Murchies anytime I am in Victoria just to see whats new.

Posted on 2018-02-08

Comfort in a cup  Review by  Murchward

This is hands down the best tea I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. The textures and flavours combined with the rich aromas make for a full multi sensory experience. There is nothing like a warm cup of this tea in your hand while you read a book, day dream, hide inside on a blistery day... or for most of us, enjoy your 30 minutes of sanity time during your work day. Best. Tea. Ever.

Posted on 2017-12-30

Beautiful Aroma and Flavor  Review by  MoggieMum

Murchie's Earl Grey Cream version is second to none, in my opinion. It is one of my favorite teas and have bought various versions in my travels abroad and online. There used to be one that was comparable but ever since that tea shop was bought by the international coffee place from Seattle (yes, that one) their Earl Grey Cream went downhill fast, along with many of their teas. Every cup of Murchies' Earl Grey Cream gives you a sublime olfactory experience and perfection on your taste receptors. Murchies -- please don't ever change your Early Grey Cream formulation!

Posted on 2017-11-05

Amazing tea  Review by  Racamaps

I have drunk Earl Grey tea for years but none has been this delicious. I will have to order more when mine runs out.

Posted on 2016-11-02

Most Excellent  Review by  Tucker

I have had a few Earl Grey Cream teas and many Earl Grey teas, but none as good as this. It has a nice medium to strong taste that is smooth. The Earl Grey taste is not lost amount the vanilla. It is simply a most excellent tea. I will be buying this again and again. I have a cup a day. It is great any time of day; in the afternoon with a snack, a lazy morning, and etc. I highly recommend this tea to everyone looking for a smooth, slight sweet, unique and delicious tea.

Posted on 2016-01-30

Another Great Tea  Review by  Debra

My favorite tea from Murchies I found 36 years ago on my first trip to beautiful Victoria was Earl Grey. I found Murchies to have the best I had ever tasted. Three years ago I found the Snowflake tea that has become my Christmas favorite. I recently ordered the new Earl Grey Cream tea and was not disappointed. Just a little twist on their wonderful Earl Grey. If regular Earl Grey is a little to strong for you give this a try the vanilla tones it down just a bit. Munchies has the best tea and I was so glad when they started the flat rate shipping to the U.S..

Posted on 2016-01-01

Best tea ever  Review by  Meggie

Love love love this tea. Tried it on a whim and fell in love. Now my husband and daughter love it too. Truly tastes creamy.

Posted on 2015-11-23

Excellent  Review by  Laura

My all time favourite tea. It is perfectly blended and gives a very satisfying cuppa. It is a must have for tea lovers.

Posted on 2015-05-21

Earl Grey Cream Tea  Review by  Kos

Hands off it is all mine! This tea is simply adored! Such a rich flavor.....my second cup awaits.

Posted on 2014-07-31

Love this take home London Fog  Review by  Jobecca

After a trip to Vancouver, I stumbled upon London Fogs and fell in love. When I walked into Murchie's and found the Earl Grey Cream I found a way to bring a bit of this delight home with me. I am a couple ounces away from finishing off my pound, and feel it might be worth a trip north just to restock... shipping might be a bit cheaper, but the road trip would be worth it with this treat at the end!

Posted on 2014-04-05

Wow  Review by  Liz

This tea is unbelievably creamy. I tried it first on a rainy afternoon and it made my day so much better that I couldn't help buying some for a friend. (She fell in love with it as well). Just a caution to never ever over-steep!

Posted on 2013-09-24

What a wonderful cuppa!  Review by  Jean

Every time I drink this tea I think once again, "What a wonderful cup of tea this is!" Literally - every time I drink this tea! What a pleasurable experience that is! I alternate between this tea and another brand's Earl Grey lavender tea, and my tea life is complete. The vanilla/cream flavor is rich and warm, and complements the bergemot beautifully. I consider it a treat every time I that first sip.

Posted on 2012-11-28

excellent  Review by  polo

We are great tea lovers at our house. This tea is the Best!

Posted on 2012-11-23

My new favorite!  Review by  Betty H - Murchie's Team Member

This amazing blend is my new favorite! The wonderful flavors of Earl Grey blended with a hint of vanilla and cream made this cup of tea a delightful surprise! While my goal as a new Murchie's team member is to taste a new tea every day, some of this will find it's way home with me for my weekend enjoyment!

Posted on 2012-06-14

Better than any London Fog ever made  Review by  NorthVanMumof2

I've drank both Earl Grey & Lady Grey tea for years. I like the components of London Fogs but together, I just don't like it. Finally tried this tea & its so delicious! In my opinion, this is what a London Fog is supoosed to be but never is. Warm, creamy, subtle citrus flavour inside a traditional tea profile.

Posted on 2012-01-27

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Also Recommended

Standardized cupping technique and vessel for tasting tea General guidelines on steeping different kinds of tea

Steeping the Best (Guide)

Different types of teas should be steeped according to certain times and water temperatures to bring out their best flavours. Use this guide as a starting point, and then experiment until you find the perfect brewing method for your favourite tea.

Based on approximately one level teaspoon (2.5 g) of loose tea or one tea bag per 6-8 ounce (180-240 mL) cup. For stronger flavour, add more tea. Brewing for longer may increase the strength of the tea, but will likely also cause bitterness.

Tea Bags vs. Loose Tea

While our tea bags and loose tea are crafted to match the same flavour profile, there are discernable effects between the two formats. Namely, the leaves inside tea bags is milled, making it much finer and a quicker brew, while loose tea can take a couple minutes longer to steep. Tea bags are very convenient, but loose tea can be more visually appealing and brewed with a reusable infuser.

  1. Tea bags: steep for 3 - 4 minutes
  2. Loose tea: steep for 4 - 5 minutes

General Steeping Temperatures

The table included here shows some general guidelines for steeping different kinds of tea. Be mindful that some teas, even two from the same category, will brew differently than others. In particular, our green-black blends will often have different ratios of green and black teas - the more green-leaning ones should be brewed at a lower temperature range. Experimentation is highly encouraged, as tea is very much a matter of personal taste.

Puerh and oolong teas are often steeped multiple times for a shorter period of time in smaller brewing vessels. This method creates a curious exploration of the tea as it unfurls, developing new flavours with each subsequent brew - often making for great social conversation.

If you're unsure, try steeping in the middle range for your tea type. If the result is too bitter, steep at a lower temperature or for a shorter time. If the result is flat, try a higher temperature.

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